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Troubles with Text Boxes

Registered: Aug 23 2008
Posts: 3

Hi there,

This is hopefully a simple question:

I've been creating Word documents with blue and green coloured text boxes. I've also been using the transparency function at around 70%.
It all looks great on Word, but when I try to convert to PDF (using Adobe Pro, Primo, and a couple other free ones), the boxes get totally messed up.

With Adobe Pro, the problem seemed completely random.
My documents would have about 10 boxes in each file, and generally a couple of the boxes would turn out ok, but then with some of the others the transparency factor just wouldn't be there, (so the boxes would be way darker than they should be) or, the transparency would be right, but the colour wouldn't be solid - it instead looks like a bunch of lines and squares (similar in appearance to what happens when you print a solid colour on a photocopier).

With Primo and the other free ones, the problem was consistent - all the boxes would be the coloured lines and squares, like Adobe's.

Is there any way to fix this? Do I have to fiddle with Adobe settings, or is it a coding issue from Word? (It doesn't seem to matter which Word version I use either - I tried on Word XP and Word Vista and I got the same problems).

Thanks in advance,


My Product Information:
Acrobat Pro 8.0, Windows
Registered: Nov 29 2007
Posts: 223
You may want to check out the trial version of Acrobat 9 with Office 2007. That combination has a much improved support for transparency.
Registered: Aug 23 2008
Posts: 3
I took your advice and it worked out pretty well (not perfect, but a lot better than v. 8, especially if I used "Press" quality).
