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TWAIN scanner driver settings?

Registered: Jul 16 2007
Posts: 2

I apologize in advance if this topic is not within the intended scope of this forum.

When I create a PDF from the scanner, the TWAIN scanner settings dialog always shows Grayscale, 200x200, even though my selected settings file should make it B&W 300x300. If I just reselect the settings file from the dropdown (upper right corner of TWAIN dialog), the settings are set and all is well.

This happens on every scan, even without leaving Acrobat between scans.

This does not happen when I scan with other scanning applications (e.g. Scandall).

This also does not happen on our sister scan station with a Fujitsu fi4990C attached in a similar environment.

Has anyone else experienced this behavior? Is this a known Acrobat problem? Are there any remedies? This sure is a headache for our users!

Environment: Windows XP Professional, Adobe Acrobat 7, Fujitsu M4099D scanner on Adaptec SCSI card, Fujitsu TWAIN driver version 9.16.181.

Thank you for any tips or suggestions or pointers!

Registered: Nov 13 2007
Posts: 1
We just upgraded to Adobe 8.1. Now when we scan documents it always asks us to create a file to save to. With prior versions of adobe we did not have to do this. Does anyone know how to disable the save file menu?
Registered: Mar 5 2008
Posts: 8
richardmacelhiney wrote:
We just upgraded to Adobe 8.1. Now when we scan documents it always asks us to create a file to save to [prior to scanning]. With prior versions of adobe we did not have to do this...
richardmacelhiney, I wish I had an answer. My intent is to "second the motion" on this request. We scan hundreds of financial documents (receipts, account statements, pay stubs, etc.) to PDF for attachments in Quicken.

Having to provide an output filename PRIOR to scanning does NOT follow the workflow sequence of most applications, which assign newly-created documents temporary names (e.g., Document1.doc, Book1.xls). Even Windows Notepad creates Untitled.txt by default!

It is FAR more convenient to FIRST get the scan onto the screen (into Acrobat) and THEN assign it a filename and folder location.