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Portfolio Folders icons

Registered: Nov 17 2008
Posts: 5

Is there a way that I can change the Folder icon in Portfolio to a photo or something more interesting? I'm creating a Portfolio using the "revolve" feature with a bunch of folders and would like to change each folder image to something relevant to the content of the folder.

Registered: Apr 8 2009
Posts: 3
I´m with the same problem!!!
Anyone could help, PLEASE!!
Registered: Oct 29 2008
Posts: 1357
Afraid the answer is you'd have to write your own Portfolio navigator (using Flash and the SDK). The thumbnail images of each PDF file are created dynamically, but the icon for a folder is a static symbol - so to do something akin to the way Windows displays a mini-gallery within the folder icon, you'd need to change the Actionscript that builds the navigator.

Writing a navigator is not a trivial task, especially an animated one. Somebody else might do it and share their template, but I don't know of one at the moment.
Registered: Apr 15 2009
Posts: 1
As a work-around, I merged several forms into one PDF and made the first page as a sort-of directory page with an image. It's not as effective as the Revolve function (particularly if the end user does not know to view all the page thumbnails for navigation) but I've decided anything is better than the folder icon.
Acrobat 9ExpertTeam
Registered: Mar 1 2006
Posts: 766
Don't forget that you can embed Portfolios inside another Portfolio, then, changing their cover pages will give you nice icons…

Registered: Jul 2 2010
Posts: 8
how do you change the cover page of a pdf portfolio. I get the default red and white page with the acrobat logo
Registered: Oct 29 2008
Posts: 1357
giloosh wrote:
how do you change the cover page of a pdf portfolio. I get the default red and white page with the acrobat logo
While you can't *change* the cover sheet, you can *replace* a page within it - subtle difference..

1) View - Portfolio - Cover Sheet
2) Open the Pages sidebar
3) Click once to select the first (and only) page
4) Sidebar tools (the little gearwheel icon) - Replace Pages
5) Choose your new 1-page PDF
6) Replace page 1 to 1 with page 1
7) Click OK
8) Save the Portfolio


The new cover must be the same dimensions as the default one, so it's often easier to extract the default one (using steps 1-4 as above but choose "extract pages" instead of "replace") and edit the resulting PDF in in Adobe Illustrator.

Cover sheets can have web links, but no jazzy videos, forms, OCGs, etc. - they can have JavaScripts attached but that's a whole different topic.
Registered: Jan 20 2011
Posts: 1
Yes, PDF's are digital. But would you seriously hand a prospective client a physical portfolio wrapped in a plain manilla folder? That's why developers are not sales people and vice-versa.