Acrobat Pro (tried 8 and 7) does not render colors correctly on screen for certain files. I tried the same files with other applications (e.g. Preview, Graphics Converter, Illustrator) and they produced correct colors.
Acrobat's colors are murky (see screenshot , Acrobat is above and Preview is below). The troublesome files have been exported from Excel 2004 and Pages 3.0.2. but e.g. FreeHand MX PDFs seem to be OK.
I have tried to fiddle with Preferences/Color Management/RGB-settings, but they don't have any impact.
Very thankful for any advice.
Pasi Kantelinen
PowerBook 17" 2.33 GHz + 30" Cinema Display
Mac OS 10.5.5
Are you using the print-to-AdobePDF printer method for all PDFs or a variety of different methods (e.g. Illustrator - Save-As - Adobe PDF)
Let us know and we'll dig deeper,
I've been using Acrobat since v1.0 and still get amazed by its power. An Acrobat ACE since 1999