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Registered: Apr 5 2010
Posts: 5

Any and all help is appreciated.
Basically I have a tagged form (saved in Adobe version 7.0) that read in beautifully using Adobe Reader 5.0, pulling data from my database and populating the tagged entries.
Since I want to utilize the newer capabilities of Adobe 9.0, I first tried making simple changes to the same Adobe file i.e changing the font size.
Now to my great shock,this simple change will not be accepted and is no longer being read in and populated to the database as before.
I have not 'played' or made any changes to the 9.0 environment, since I was under the impression that if an Adobe 7.0 file can be read and printed so should a 9.0 file?
Am I wrong?
Can anyone assist me in the basic settings that I need to employ to get my project running smoothly again?


My Product Information:
Acrobat Pro 9.0, Windows
Registered: Mar 1 2007
Posts: 1420
Just some things to consider.

The security "sandbox" for Acrobat 9 is much more restrictive than what was available in Acrobat 5 or 7. This may have some effect on your PDF's "feed" from your database.

If you've been using Acrobat's Interapplication Communications (IAC) you may want to see what is available / not available when using Acrobat 9 (as compared to what you could do with earlier releases of the SDK).

[url=]Current IAC API Reference[/url]

Be well...

Be well...

Registered: Apr 5 2010
Posts: 5
Update: In order to read in these files, we use active pdf toolkit, I am not sure if the error stems from this. Do you have any suggestions concerning the same?

thanks so much
Registered: Mar 1 2007
Posts: 1420
Hi parv,

Active PDF Toolkit's documentation looks to be circa 2005.
The user's manual, an output of Toolkit, is at PDF version 1.4 (Acrobat 5.x).
It is likely that, as a 5 year old, non-Adobe "make PDF" process, Toolkit may not output PDFs that
are adequately compliant to ISO 32000-1 and then Adobe's Supplement to ISO 32000, BaseVersion 1.7, ExtensionLevel 3 and 5.
These define the parameters of what Acrobat 9.x consumes (without indigestion ).[url][/url]

As to establishing database interaction with Acrobat 9.x the applicable developer documentation
may be worth a close read. Things are markedly different between PDFs for the Acrobat 5.x period
and today's Acrobat 9.x envirionment.

It may be that you will need to create PDFs via a contemporary (2009-2010) process that, at a minimum, does ISO 32000-1 adequately.
Alternatively, as your PDFs are output of Active PDF Toolkit, it may be worth paying the freight and engaging in discussion of Toolkit's output compatibility with the ISO Standard and the Adobe supplements with Active PDF's technical support.

Be well...

Be well...