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Delayed printings for PDFs only

Registered: Aug 10 2007
Posts: 15

Hi all,

I have a user here at work who is having issues printing PDFs. When she prints any PDF document, the printer generates the job and prints it one page at a time with a delay inbetween pages. So a 150 page file can take over an hour to print.
This is network printer and the other users are a wee bit piturbed by this. This issue appears to be specific to her. I had her email the same file she was printing to another user and they were able to print it without issue. The user I had her send it to has the exact same configuration that she does. I then had her print it to another network printer (color printer, so she can not use this as default due to cost of color) and it works fine. Both are using Acrobat 6 Standard with all updates and Acrobat 8.1 reader for viewing ducuments and printing. The Printer is up to date on on all firmware and Post Script Drivers. Both PCs are 2Ghz or better with 1GB of Ram and using XP Pro w/ SP2.

Any thoughts or insight is appreciated; Thanks much,


Registered: Feb 23 2006
Posts: 4307
Have you looked at the Acrobat application's "Print" UI option settings and the "Advance" options?

Which program is each user using to print the PDF?

Both Acrobat and Reader are capable of printing a PDF.

George Kaiser

Registered: Aug 10 2007
Posts: 15
Thanks for the response...

I did check the "advanced option" and the "properties" for each user, both are identical.

Bother users use the 8.1 reader as the default view/print program.
Registered: Feb 23 2006
Posts: 4307
What are the spooling file sizes and memory available on the 2 systems. Also make sure "Print as graphic" is not checked.

George Kaiser

Registered: Aug 10 2007
Posts: 15
I ran a 5 page PDF file and the printer was spooling 333K for the job for both PCs and the RAM remained the same as I opened the exact same applications

With the 4 application running, RAM was at about 592MB available out of 1GB during the print job.

The print as graphic/image is unselected.
Registered: Aug 10 2007
Posts: 15
Anyone else have any thoughts?


Registered: Aug 10 2007
Posts: 15
Got it!

The network printer settings were set for 300 dpi (advanced settings), but the users default setting were set for 600 dpi. I changed and applied the new settings and her documents print as they should now. The network printer settings should have been the default (and over-ride despite user settings) for all print jobs, so I will need to go back and check some settings on the print server.

Thank you for time and efforts gkaiseril.

