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How can I enlarge the document size and NOT loose OCR?

Registered: Nov 18 2008
Posts: 9

Hello forum,

When I try to (a) print my pdf so as to (b) enlarge the overall document size, I always (c) loose my OCR? Why?

Is there a way to KEEP OCR while encreasing the overall document size?

Thank you in Advance

My Product Information:
Acrobat Standard 7.0, Windows
Registered: Jul 6 2008
Posts: 1876
> Why?Probably because it is hidden text.

If what you want to do is change the size of the pages, consider using the setPageBoxes JavaScript method. In addition to changing the media box, you will want to change the crop box as well.

Registered: Nov 18 2008
Posts: 9

Whew, thank you for your input! Excellent comment: yes, I never thought of that. It would make sense that the OCR is hidden text, therefore the OCR doesn't 'enlarge' with visible text when print page size is increased.

I am just trying to make a, say, 6 x 9" pdf document into an 8 x 11" pdf document WITHOUT losing the OCR -- or have to go back and OCR the pdf again.

Next question: if I am just a novice, how can I get the invisible OCR to increase with the visible text when I increase the OVERALL document size -- not just the 'canvas' page size? Can it be done?

Appreciatively ---
Registered: Jul 6 2008
Posts: 1876
I don't think that's possible, apart from the process you already described (print > re-OCR). It would probably make sense not to do the initial OCR, and instead wait until after you've created the larger pages, but I'm assuming you can.I thought you just wanted the size of the page increased, not the size of everything on a page.

Registered: Nov 18 2008
Posts: 9

Thank you again for your time and expertise. It is really appreciated.

Yes, indeed, I do want the document size of the page increased, as well as everything on the page, too, ie text and images.

Unfortunately, when I do the task above I loose the OCR -- which sometimes, due the age of the original document, Acrobat cannot fully RECOVER the faint or deteriorated nature of the orig text...that is the rub.

So, to repeat for clarity, you think the invisible OCR cannot be increased with the visible text?

Darn -- but thank you!