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How to create a folded booklet with Acrobat from PUB or DOC

Registered: Oct 13 2007
Posts: 2

I have created a booklet (catalogue) for an art gallery opening. We have used Microsoft Publisher (We have a Microsoft Word version as well)

When a PDF is created (from either Publisher or Acrobat 8), the formatting is lost in the process.

The booklet is folded, in half, and is formatted to use letter size (Each page is 8.5 x 5.5)

I purchased Acrobat 8 because the Printer (PrintThree) said they would only accept PDF files. I was told this was a good application to acomplish that.

Description: An example of the document type I want to have in PDF format is an 8 page document that should be printed 4 pages to a sheet. (An 8 page booklet would use two sides of two 8.5 x 11 sheets of paper)
One Sheet would have pages 4&5 on one side, and pages 6&3 on the other.
The other sheet would have pages 1&8 on one side and pages

When the conversion is complete, Acrobat recognizes 4 pages.

example: Page 6&3 are one "page". I have tried all kinds of combinations of print and page settings. The best I can get is a "bound" booklet where Acrobat has resized the pages to take into account the area required for binding. It does not have a folded booklet setting.

I would get someone to just create a booklet in Acrobat (well, it would be me manually cutting and pasting) if I could even figure out if Acrobat 8 will allow a folded (no extra room needed for binding) booklet.

Any ideas?


Acrobat 9ExpertTeam
Registered: Mar 1 2006
Posts: 766
From Publisher, create a "standart" PDF, with the same page size, beginning at page 1 and ending at page 8.

Then open the PDF in Acrobat and choose Print > "Booklet printing"
and print to Distiller to create the new booklet-PDF.

But I think that this is not your job, page-imposition is the printer job...
