You can use the Press Quality settings in Acrobat PDFMaker to produce the output you need.
In Publisher, choose Adobe PDF > Change Conversion settings to open the dialog box. Click the Conversion Settings dropdown arrow and choose Press Quality from the settings list.In the Application Settings (bottom part of the Settings dialog box) you see the Preserve Spot Color, Print Crop Marks and Preserve Transparency in Adobe PDF options are selected by default. If you are also using a bleed, be sure to select the Allow Bleeds checkbox.
Click Advanced Settings to open the Press Quality - Adobe PDF Settings dialog box. Here you can see what specific settings are used for the conversion.
The upper left lists the settings in six categories:
* General - this is what you see when the dialog box opens. The resolution is set on this panel. The default for Press Quality is 2400dpi.
* Images - lists downsampling and compression options to be applied. You shouldn't have to change anything on this panel.
* Fonts - Your printer will want to have your particular fonts. By default, the Press Quality setting embeds and subsets all fonts. Check to be sure the fonts you are using in your ad can be embedded by looking through the Font Source list. Any font with a padlock icon to the left of its name can't be embedded, and your ad won't appear as you intended.
* Color - Press Quality uses CMYK as its default color management policy, and a standard US Web Coated (SWOP) CMYK working space, which is commonly used in North America.
* You won't have to make any changes on the Advanced and Standards panels.
If you make changes, click Save As and save your settings. The default name adds a number at the end of the name, such as Press Quality(1).
You could check with your advertising agency or the printer to see if they have settings files, called [i]joboptions [/i], that they want you to use for the ad.
The settings are installed into the same directory as the other Acrobat .joboptions files. On Windows, the files are installed by default to C:\Program Files\Adobe\Acrobat 8.0\Acrobat\Settings
good luck.
A prolific author and writer of many Acrobat books, as well as books on graphic and Web design software.
Donna lives on a lakeshore in central Canada, where all manner of wildlife from muskrats to coyotes come to call.
You can use the Press Quality settings in Acrobat PDFMaker to produce the output you need.
In Publisher, choose Adobe PDF > Change Conversion settings to open the dialog box. Click the Conversion Settings dropdown arrow and choose Press Quality from the settings list.In the Application Settings (bottom part of the Settings dialog box) you see the Preserve Spot Color, Print Crop Marks and Preserve Transparency in Adobe PDF options are selected by default. If you are also using a bleed, be sure to select the Allow Bleeds checkbox.
Click Advanced Settings to open the Press Quality - Adobe PDF Settings dialog box. Here you can see what specific settings are used for the conversion.
The upper left lists the settings in six categories:
* General - this is what you see when the dialog box opens. The resolution is set on this panel. The default for Press Quality is 2400dpi.
* Images - lists downsampling and compression options to be applied. You shouldn't have to change anything on this panel.
* Fonts - Your printer will want to have your particular fonts. By default, the Press Quality setting embeds and subsets all fonts. Check to be sure the fonts you are using in your ad can be embedded by looking through the Font Source list. Any font with a padlock icon to the left of its name can't be embedded, and your ad won't appear as you intended.
* Color - Press Quality uses CMYK as its default color management policy, and a standard US Web Coated (SWOP) CMYK working space, which is commonly used in North America.
* You won't have to make any changes on the Advanced and Standards panels.
If you make changes, click Save As and save your settings. The default name adds a number at the end of the name, such as Press Quality(1).
You could check with your advertising agency or the printer to see if they have settings files, called [i]joboptions [/i], that they want you to use for the ad.
The settings are installed into the same directory as the other Acrobat .joboptions files. On Windows, the files are installed by default to C:\Program Files\Adobe\Acrobat 8.0\Acrobat\Settings
good luck.
A prolific author and writer of many Acrobat books, as well as books on graphic and Web design software.
Donna lives on a lakeshore in central Canada, where all manner of wildlife from muskrats to coyotes come to call.