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Print documents in a PDF package

Registered: Nov 19 2008
Posts: 5

I have found other related posts but no answers to this question.

Adobe 8 documentation states that when you print an entire package; "Documents are printed in the order they appear in the package." from what I can tell it looks like Adobe is printing the files in alphabetical order based on the file name.

How do I print them by the index order?

My Product Information:
Acrobat Pro 8.1.2, Windows
Registered: Jun 28 2007
Posts: 3636
They should print in the order they appear; however, what you see on the screen, can be different from this order because of the display sorting options. Have you tried to "Sort by Modified" date to list them in the order they are stored in the PDF.

Lori Kassuba is an AUC Expert and Community Manager for

Registered: Nov 19 2008
Posts: 5
Not exactly sure I understand your answer. So are you saying that it will print based on the files modified date? Are you talking about the original files modify date or the date/time when you inserted in the package? Either way, who would want to do that? When you create a package it allows you to put your documents in the order you want them in the package (move up / move down) This is also the way I think most users would want to print them. I would also assume that is what the help file is saying it will do.
Registered: Feb 19 2009
Posts: 2
I am trying to print my PDF portfolio in the specific order that I created the layout. I added a Sort Order column and numbered it 1 - 20 for each PDF, and tried printing it. However, the pages did not print in the Sort Order I created - it seems to have printing the PDFs alphabetically. How do I get it to print in the order I requested by adding the Sort Order column?
Registered: Mar 16 2009
Posts: 1
Does anyone have an answer to this question? My package keeps printing out alphabetically as opposed to the order in which they appear.
Registered: May 16 2008
Posts: 5
That was a confusing answer from the admin. Anyway the modified date is the factor that determines how they printed, no matter how have them appear. This is true in Acrobat 8. The if you want to control the order, just display them in the order you want them to print, and ctrl+b your way down the list, inserting a bookmark into each document. Renaming the file does not counot as modifying, but a bookmark will do it. Then save the package, and send to printer.
Registered: Apr 1 2009
Posts: 1
I have the same issue. I have bookmarked the files that I combined when I initally created this file. The file does not print by my bookmark. I need to have this corrected my customer who I prepared this file for is not happy. Please advise.