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Printing error

Registered: Jan 29 2007
Posts: 4

I have Acrobat Pro 7 with Win2000 Server, trying to print to a networked printer but receive a must install a printer. The printer and the correct name/network are shown when I go to printer setup?
Then receive the message when I try to print.

My Product Information:
Acrobat Pro 7.0.9, Windows
Registered: Sep 28 2005
Posts: 248
I will make the assumption here that you are either running WIN2K Server as your workstation, as the Acrobat EULA specfically prohibits the use of Acrobat in a "networked" environment (roughly translated - more than one user accessing the same product copy or product being used in a 'lights-out' (automated) fashion).

Or, you have A7Pro on your local workstation (running XP or Win2k workstation) trying to print to a network attached printer managed on a Win2K box. Which is OK.

Is the printer you are trying to print to a locally managed printer (driver/ppd info stored locally)? Or is it managed on the server?

Try configuring the printer to be locally managed on your workstation.

I've run into weird issues on occasion if the printer wasn't locally managed. This behavior stems from Acrobat wanting to interrogate the printer's information to determine how to best generate the printout.

Douglas Hanna is a member of the Production Print Technology team at Aon.

Registered: Jan 29 2007
Posts: 4
Douglas: Thanks.
Yes - actually I have win2000 server & Acrobat on my laptop (I need terminal services) and am conecting to a client's computer and printer via a wireless network. This issue is new as it has been working fine for a couple of years. I am able to print with every other application and I was printing fine with Acrobat until recently. There is nothing in any of the logs. If you can think of another solution to my loading of the drivers (HP and their resource hogging software) I would appreciate it.
Thank you again.