I'm new on the forum, and I apologize for what is probably a silly noob question, but here goes: I have a bunch of sheet music that is scanned and saved as PDF files. What I would like to do, when I print the music, is to print two 8.5 X 11 pages onto one 11X17 paper. The caveat to this is that some parts may be an odd number of pages long, so I would not be able to just say "print every 2 pages onto 1". While I realize that in some instances this may be labor intensive and thus prohibitive, I really have no clue how to even think about doing it. Any advice anyone can give me about doing this in Acrobat natively, or through plugins / 3rd party tools would be greatly appreciated. Thanks,
P.S. - I use Acrobat 8.1.2 pro on Vista x64.
I would start by suggesting you look at a few third party plug-ins - here are two that offer free trials;
I am most familar with PDFSnake, as I bundle this with several scan to PDF solution from IoFlex and ELAN GMK.
I would be happy to walk you through this one you have the trial installed.
michaelejahn [at] gmail [dot] comalso, you might want to check out another forums thread on the subject;
http://printplanet.com/discuss/thread.jspa?threadID=1517&tstart=-1Hope this helps !
Michael Jahn
Application Support Specialist
Compose Systems Inc, USA.
4740 Northgate Blvd. Suite 100
Sacramento, CA 95834
Tel: (916) 920-3838 ext 102
Fax: (916) 923-6776
Email: michaelejahn [at] composeusa [dot] com
Web: www.composeusa.com