Ok, I have a real twilight zoner here.
I work for a law firm and deal with a lot of documents in .pdf and .tif format.
When print is selected there is a 30 second to 2 minute delay before the dialog box comes up, during which there is a rotating hourglass. Once the box comes up, the documents spool and print fine.
All users are on hp's with P4-2.4, ghz and 512 to1024MB of Ram. All printers are HP's. (4100-4200's Networked, 1200's local.)
It only affects .tif's( In MS Document Imaging) and .pdf's, (in 5.0 standard and 7.0 reader)
The issue only affects SOME users, not all. I, for instance do not experience it.
It doesn't matter if the document has one page or 50
It doesn't matter if it is the first document printed or the 10th.
It doesn't matter if the user is printing network or local.
Defrags and ram doubling have no effect.
Any help or insight would be appreciated.
Big Bill