I work for a large primairy school. Every week we publish a newsletter, which we only give to the eldest-of-kin for environment reasons (as well as reducing printing costs.) Since every class has a different number of children, I wrote a visual basic script to check a CSV file for the number of copies per class to print.
Now I could print like:
for x=1 to NumberOfChildrenInThisClass
print "Path\Document.pdf"
but then my printer buffer would be swamped. (We have more than 850 children.) Is there a way to print multiple copies of a pdf file in order to do it "right"? I.E.:
print "Path\Document.pdf", NumberOfCopies
Does anyone know how to do this (in either VBscript, javascript or PHP)?
I have a working program to print .doc files (see excerpt below), but I also want to be able to print PDFs.
Thank you for much in advance for any advice you can offer, Koen
set oWord = createobject("word.application")
set oDoc = oWord.documents.open("c:\PrintFolder\FileToPrint.docx")
oDoc.printout ,,,,,,,NumberOfCopies
set oDoc = nothing
set oWord = nothing
Then from the mail merged PDFs you can print or email them.
Acrobat 5, 6 Pro, 7 Pro, 8 Pro, 9 Pro Extended, LC 7, 8 & LC ES 8.2