I have thousands of SOP's that I would like to store on a file server and allow the end user access to the file. However I need a watermark to print on the document at the time of print with the date it was printed and something noting that this is only good for lets say 5 days from the date of print. I am unfamiliar with Javascript and I would assume it is something that needs a little coding to happen? I am currently using Adobe 8.0 Professional and most of the end users will have Adobe 8.0 Standard
cText: "Document content expires 5 days from " + util.printd("mmm dd, yyyy", new Date()),
nTextAlign: app.constants.align.center,
nHorizAlign: app.constants.align.center,
nVertAlign: app.constants.align.center,
nOpacity: 0.5
Now to add this to all your PDFs you can use the batch processing of the Professional version to add this script to each PDF using the 'setAction()' method.
var myWillPrint ='this.addWatermarkFromText({'
myWillPrint += 'cText: "Document content expires 5 days from " + util.printd("mmm dd, yyyy",'; myWillPrint += 'new Date()),';
myWillPrint += 'nTextAlign: app.constants.align.center,';
myWillPrint += 'nHorizAlign: app.constants.align.center,';
myWillPrint += 'nVertAlign: app.constants.align.center,';
myWillPrint += 'nOpacity: 0.5';
myWillPrint += '});'
this.setAction("WillPrint", myWillPrint);
George Kaiser