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Audio Playback appearance

Registered: Jul 24 2009
Posts: 2

Hi all

Nice to see such an active forum and I hope i can contribute in some way over the coming months.

Question - I'm using Acrobat 9 and loving the ability to embed / convert Mp3 files into my files.

Is there any way to hide or modify the appearance of the playback controls? - I'm really looking for a simple "play this mp3 file' on a mousedown

I'm looking for the following

1 - Mousedown button to play a Mp3 file
2 - Same button also turns off any other files playing on the page
3 - a means to hide the playback controls, I want a simple button not progress. pause, play controls visible.
4 - If I cant hide the playback controls, a means to modify the default control appearance

I've had this working using Quicktime in Acrobat 8 (i'm on a mac) but the earlier method required Quicktime to be be installed on the target machine so using the Flash player *could / should* be far more elegant.

Thanks all

Registered: Jul 14 2008
Posts: 79
Hi HermesSL,

I have been looking into a solution for you, I was waiting to respond until I had something, but it is taking longer than I hoped. No promises but I should be able to post a solution soon, stay tuned...
Registered: Jun 9 2008
Posts: 15
Yes I am looking for options on play/stop buttons to control an MP3. Even better than that, how about a jukebox that can load a number of MP3s. The closest solution would be to make a PDF (Acrobat 9) Portfolio, and although elegant enough, it's not quite the same as having audio player options. it's also possible to make player buttons in a PDF with Javascript, but then we're back to that old problem of the permissions popup which is a damned nuissance and scares people away from viewing your PDF.
Registered: Aug 17 2006
Posts: 80
Your best option would be to create your own player skin and then use the Flash tool to place the SWF rather than an MP3.

If you want to just modify the appearance existing skins or their behavior and you're a Flash developer, you can look in the folder "..\Adobe Flash CS4\Common\Configuration\FLVPlayback Skins\FLA\ActionScript 3.0" for the source FLAs.

When you get them working the way you want, place the SWF of your skin in one of the following locations depending on platform.

..\Application Data\Adobe\Acrobat\9.0\Multimedia Skins

..(Your User Directory)/Library/Application Support/Adobe/Acrobat/9.0_x86

Registered: Jun 10 2010
Posts: 4

I'm an audio guy, and an Acrobat newbie, so I'd really appreciate any help with a problem I'm having inserting a .swf audio player in Acrobat 9.

The player works fine standalone but when its inserted in a pdf I get half a rogue 'play' button visible - until you click on it, then it disappears and the player is visible as expected.

Any ideas?
Registered: Oct 29 2008
Posts: 1357
All Flash content in a PDF starts off disabled, unless you change the startup options for the annotation (during placement or via the menu). When it's disabled, you see a poster image of the SWF with a black and gray "play arrow" icon in the corner. There's no way to remove that icon other than by setting the annotation to start automatically when the page opens.
Registered: Jun 10 2010
Posts: 4
Thank you UVSAR - you've saved my bacon!
Shlomo Perets
Registered: Feb 8 2007
Posts: 18
UVSAR wrote:
All Flash content in a PDF starts off disabled, unless you change the startup options for the annotation (during placement or via the menu). When it's disabled, you see a poster image of the SWF with a black and gray "play arrow" icon in the corner. There's no way to remove that icon other than by setting the annotation to start automatically when the page opens.
The black and gray "play arrow" icon is indeed part of the default poster image generated by Acrobat. If you specify a different poster image in Acrobat (or no poster, if the Flash content is added programmatically), Acrobat's "play arrow" will not be there, even when the annotation is disabled.

Shlomo Perets,
Acrobat training & consulting