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Flash file not playing in Acrobat 9

Registered: Oct 11 2007
Posts: 4

Hi all,

Acrobat 9 and Flash looks like it could be a killer combination. However, I'm having lots of problems trying to get a .swf to play once placed within an Acrobat 9 document.

It's a Flashden file which I'm going to edit to create a floorplan so I need the zooming option, the poster image looks fine but then when I click play it doesn't seem to advance beyond frame 1. Not sure if I need to add some Actionscript/Javascript.

As I'm under a tight deadline to get this working I'd really appreciate any suggestions.


Mark Nolan
Creative Director
Decoder Limited

My Product Information:
Acrobat Pro 9.0, Macintosh
Registered: Jul 14 2008
Posts: 79
Is it possible for you to send us the source for your SWF, you can send it to me at jcorey [at] adobe [dot] comWe are not sure why the SWF doesn't work once embedded in Acrobat 9, we are looking into it, the source would help a lot. I understand if it is sensitive and you are unable to share, you said you got it from Flashden and I am assuming you have the FLA file to modify. We would have a much easier time debugging with the source.
Registered: Oct 29 2008
Posts: 1357
The SWF uses the Stage object to perform automatic scaling and repositioning of the nav panel and photo, and the Stage object behaves a bit differently inside a PDF - which can confuse the code into drawing stuff outside the visible box or at an insane scale (such as zero) unless the SWF is written to play gracefully.
Registered: Oct 11 2007
Posts: 4
Thanks for your replies Josh and Uvsar. I've been going through the Flash file trying different set-ups and changing to Actionscript 2 seems to help the situation. From what I had researched I thought Acrobat 9 supported Actionscript 3, but I could be wrong.


Mark Nolan
Creative Director
Decoder Limited

Registered: Jul 14 2008
Posts: 79
You are correct, Acrobat does support Actionscript 3. We are looking at the files you sent and trying to find out why it does not draw in Acrobat. I will respond if I can give you a workaround.