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FlexChart problem, still.

St Peterburger
Registered: Apr 27 2009
Posts: 15

I still can't find a solution how to do a quite similar PDF as Joel geraci's FlexChart example shows.
In that
he tolds that "I'll follow this posting up with the source code for the SWF and the JavaScript in the PDF file ...". I can't find those anywhere.
Is there any possibility to get step by step information about this connection with PDF
and that Flex chart? Any web site?
Which programs I need, are Flex Builder 3 and Adobe Acrobat 9 Pro Ext enough?
Is LiveCycle Designer needed?

The thing I want to do is as:
PDF has fields which contents shall be calculated according to a specific formula
and the results should be presented in graphical form (line chart).
In fact this seems to be a quite simple thing but...

I would appreciate a lot if somebody shows me the way to do this.

-- Kari --

St Peterburger
Registered: Apr 27 2009
Posts: 15
Haloo... anybody?
Too easy for xperts?
St Peterburger
Registered: Apr 27 2009
Posts: 15
Checked a couple of PDF Rich Media related videos, funny but all those 'Xperts' show the same examples...
In fact, who has made those, I think nobody knows, becase those explanations are so sketchy!
They only praise that this and this fancy thing can be done, but how to do those, they do not told...
Maybe the goal is to keep that kind of expertise as insiders secret science.
I'm quite disappointed ...

I think I have consider to develop my documents other way.
St Peterburger
Registered: Apr 27 2009
Posts: 15
What the heck...
even those Xperts deliver false information:

From the document 'Flash_in_Acrobat_9-Joel_Geraci.pdf'
"getRichMediaAnnots(page)[index].callAS( “function", parameter1, parameter2, …);"

Dear LUsers, try to find out what is wrong with the line above!
Registered: May 26 2009
Posts: 71
Hello StP,

I have tried to do something similar as you describe.
I agree that the connection between those SWF and PDF is very poorly documentated.
But I find a solution and now I am able to pass a couple of arrays calculated in PDF
JavaScript into SWF chart which is embedded in PDF.

Some screenshots can be found here:

As it takes a quite a long time to figure out how this can be done,
I won't share it for free <:{]. I am not The SantaClaus even I am from Finland.
If you are interested in the sourcecode (Flex ActionScript and PDF JavaScript)
I can give you my PayPal connection ;-)


According to most IT HelpDesk people, the most common reason for user error (regardless of Operating System) is ID 10T.

St Peterburger
Registered: Apr 27 2009
Posts: 15

I need just that kind of solution!
Check your e-mail, please.

Which platform you used for this,
Flex builder and Acrobat Pro Ext 9?
Can the SWF be done with FlashDevelop
and PDF with Nitro PDF Pro?
Interested, because FD is free
and Nitro is cheap...
Registered: May 26 2009
Posts: 71
Hi StP,

checked, accepted and answered.
FlashDevelop (from Finland ?) can be used to produce the SWF
(needs free Flex SDK), but not for charting and also Nitro is not the
solution for this kind of PDF production. Nitro is not RMA compatible.

So You need to purchase those Flex Builder 3 < for € 608.78 >
(will be soon FlashBuilder?) and Acrobat Pro 9 Ext < for € 999.18 >.
If the money isn't the topic, then Creative Suite 4 Master Collection
< for € 3,414.78 > fullfills the most needs for serious developing.Freelancer

According to most IT HelpDesk people, the most common reason for user error (regardless of Operating System) is ID 10T.

Registered: May 27 2009
Posts: 1
Dear Freelancer, greetings from Rio!

I am in urgent situation and I MUST BUY YOUR SOURCE CODE. Please check your email. You won't be able to say *no* to my bid.


- c.a.t.
Registered: May 26 2009
Posts: 71
Hello c.a.t. from Rio,

mail checked, bid accepted, thank You!
Package is coming there.


According to most IT HelpDesk people, the most common reason for user error (regardless of Operating System) is ID 10T.

Registered: Aug 17 2006
Posts: 80
I posted the example and an explanation of how it works here...
