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SWF background transparent?

Registered: Sep 11 2007
Posts: 3

Hello, I'm trying to embed an animated swf (generated in Flash CS3) in a PDF document. Everything works fine, but I can't figure out how to make the background of the embedded swf transparent? The area that contains the animation always overlaps the rest of the PDF's content with a fill of the background color from the swf. Does anyone have a solution for this problem?

Registered: May 3 2006
Posts: 1
One possible soulution would be to play the swf in a float window, In the properties of the object, settings tab: select edit renditions, then in the playback locations settings tab, set the playback location to floating window.
Registered: Jul 14 2008
Posts: 79
I know this may not be much help to you but for others reading this post Acrobat 9 offers "Transparent Background" when using the "Flash Tool" to add a SWF.
Registered: Sep 11 2007
Posts: 3
Haven't been here for a long while. Thanks for the information!