I am trying to assist a client with a PDF version issue. Pardon me if information is missing; let me know and I should be able to get more specifics if needed.
He has some PDF version 1.4 files. His requirement is that they remain v1.4, although he may have a workaround that will allow them to be up to v1.5. When he applies a digital signature to these files, however, he is finding that they get auto-converted to PDF version 1.6. He says he doesn't think it's a limitation on the version, as he has other v1.4 files with digital signatures in them.
I've looked through the forum topics back at least a few months, and used the Search function, but not found an anwer. Is there a general setting somewhere to prevent this conversion, or limit the PDF version number? Thank you.
(Acrobat 5 : PDF 1.4)