This tutorial shows you how to work with the Create PDFs features in Acrobat X. See what the all-new Acrobat DC can do for you.

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Creating PDF files with Acrobat X

Learn how to create PDF by converting various file types to PDF, including HTML to PDF, web page to PDF and Word to PDF.

By Kurt Foss – April 14, 2011


In this tutorial, learn how to create PDF by converting various file types to PDF, including HTML to PDF, web page to PDF and Word to PDF. Acrobat X can convert a variety of file types to PDF and then open them in a document window. The list of supported file types includes all the common vector and image formats.

To convert a file to PDF:

  1. In the Quick Tools toolbar, click the Create button and choose PDF from File in the drop-down menu. Acrobat presents you with a standard pick-a-file dialog.
  2. Choose the file that you want to convert to PDF. This can be an image file, a Word document, or any other file type that Acrobat knows how to convert. Acrobat converts the file to PDF and opens it in a new document window.
  3. If you want to save the document on your disk, choose File > Save As.

TIP: If you are avoiding toolbars for some reason, you can also access these conversions by choosing from the File > Create submenu.

TIP: Acrobat's Preferences include a large collection of controls that determine how it converts files to PDF. The default values for these controls are sensible and should generally be left as is. However, as you gain experience, you may find it interesting to look at them. On the Mac, choose Acrobat > Preferences, or in Windows, choose Edit > Preferences, to access the Convert to PDF options.

This summary is excerpted from chapter 4 of the Adobe Acrobat X for Windows and Macintosh: Visual Quickstart Guide by John Deubert, published by Peachpit Press. You can also download the fully illustrated text [PDF: 13.9MB] of this complete chapter, along with the book's Table of Contents and detailed Index.

Products covered:

Acrobat X

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Convert Word to PDF online, Convert Excel to PDF online, Convert PowerPoint to PDF online, Convert JPG to PDF online, Create PDFs

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