In the same page I have two 3d scenes and two buttons that activate and desactive each one.
the instructions are
getAnnots3D(0)[0].activated = true;
getAnnots3D(0)[1].activated = false;
(for the first scene)
getAnnots3D(0)[0].activated = false;
getAnnots3D(0)[1].activated = true;
(for the second scene)
It works great.
Now I insert the page that contains the two 3d scenes in a general catalog with 190 pages. The new inserted page is located at page 174
I understand that I have to rewrite the javascript for des/activate as follows
getAnnots3D(174)[0].activated = true;
getAnnots3D(174)[1].activated = false;
(for the first scene)
getAnnots3D(174)[0].activated = false;
getAnnots3D(174)[1].activated = true;
(for the second scene)
where (174) says the page number.
Sadly it does not work.
Is it anything that I am missing.
Thanks in advance
If the links and the 3D model are on the same page, you can use this.pageNum to refer to the current page number, whatever it is (with no edits required after you move/add pages). For example:
getAnnots3D(this.pageNum)[0].activated = true;
Shlomo Perets, http://www.microtype.com
Acrobat training & consulting