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code formatting test

Registered: Oct 30 2008
Posts: 2398

Hi all, I just want to test whether the code tags work. Hope no one objects...
Single line code:
 for (i=0; i<100; i++) {}
Multi-line code:

for (i=0; i<100; i++) {
// do something
return 0;

Multi-line blockcode:
for (i=0; i<100; i++) {
// do something
return 0;

Multi-line blockcode with normal linenumbers:
  1. for (i=0; i<100; i++) {
  2. // do something
  3. }
  4. return 0;

javascript tag:
for (i=0; i<100; i++) {
// do something
return 0;
[/geshifilter-javascript]<br />
 <br />
java tag:<br />
for (int a=0; a<=100; a++) {
System.out.println("a is: " + a);


- AcrobatUsers Community Expert - Contact me personally at try6767 [at] gmail [dot] com
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Registered: Oct 30 2008
Posts: 2398
Looks like something went wrong with the javascript close-tag.

It works ok, though, when I put java before javascript... Odd.
Although now all the lines get compressed to a single one... Double odd.

java tag:
for (int a=0; a<=100; a++) {System.out.println("a is: " + a);}
javascript tag:
for (i=0; i<100; i++) {// do something}return 0;

- AcrobatUsers Community Expert - Contact me personally at try6767 [at] gmail [dot] com
Check out my custom-made scripts website:

Registered: Oct 29 2008
Posts: 1357
try67 wrote:
Although now all the lines get compressed to a single one... Double odd.

Formatting doesn't work in a reply post, only when creating a new topic. It's on the to-do list.
Registered: Jul 6 2008
Posts: 1876
I wonder if the pre tag works:

// Formatting doesn't work in a reply post, only when creating a new topic. It's on the to-do list.

var p = [], b = "It would be great";

if (this.were) {

// to the top of the list.
Registered: Jul 6 2008
Posts: 1876
Registered: Jun 28 2007
Posts: 3636
It's close to the top...

Lori Kassuba is an AUC Expert and Community Manager for

Registered: Dec 10 2010
Posts: 70
It isn't just the code, I have posts where paragraphs run together, and others where they end up triple spaced. Bulleted lists are especially susceptible to this! For an example, see this post and scroll down to reply #2 - it was nicely formatted when I typed it!I really hope this is fixed soon!! :)


Edit: The part that starts "I really hope this..." was typed as a separate paragraph and got squished! ><

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