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Submit button closes document without saving

Registered: Dec 3 2007
Posts: 17

I made a form in Acrobat 8.0(macintosh) and I would like the user after completing the form to hit the submit button and automatically submit it through email. (This part I have already figured out) But I would also like the user(who will be using reader 6.0), to have no opportunity to save a copy of the form onto their computer. I would like to try to have the document automatically close immediately(without prompting them to save) after they hit submit and the pdf is in their email ready to be mailed.

Is it possible for a submit button to automatically close the pdf without saving, and also submit the form through email at the same time?

Acrobat 9ExpertTeam
Registered: Mar 1 2006
Posts: 766
buddenceq wrote:
But I would also like the user(who will be using reader 6.0), to have no opportunity to save a copy of the form onto their computer.
Adobe Reader CAN'T save (except Reader enabled documents).