How do you determine if clients know how to take advantage of Adobe Reader features? Adobe assumes that everyone uses the latest version of Reader. That's simply not true. Depending upon which version of Reader you use, certain Acrobat features, such as portfolios and enabled commenting, won’t work.
What do other lawyers do? Do you ask your clients what version of Reader they are using? Does your retainer letter instruct your client to get the latest version of Reader? Do you send out a PDF document and listen for screams of frustration? Or do you restrict your Acrobat use to only the most basic features?
Thanks for your suggestions.
I am not in the legal field, just saw your post and thought I could offer an idea. You can use JavaScript in your PDFs that will check for what version of Acrobat or Reader is being used, and popup an alert to the user that they need a higher version of Reader in order to use all the features (get the best experience). A good example od doing that can be found in Ted Padovas 101 Forms eTips (Tip 43) you can get from-
If it is important information it should not be too difficult for most to update a free app, but I do know in some enterprises it is simply not allowed.
In most cases PDFs view fine even in very old versions of Reader , just certain features won't work. For example, with Portfolios if you create a custom navigator only Reader 9 or Acrobat 9 viewers will be able to render it. However, Reader 8 would show the user a PDF Package instead, which is not all that bad. I liked Packages, but they aren't as flashy as Portfolios (pun intended). Reader 6 and 7 would just have all attached documents in the attachments panel- everything is still there but the management and navigation around is not as easy as a Portfolio.
I do not believe Adobe thinks everyone uses Adobe Reader 9- they wish that were true though. How much easier it would be to deal with and manage when everyone is on the same page.
Hope this helps,
WindJack Solutions
Dimitri Munkirs
WindJack Solutions